NFL Playoff Pool Rules & Signup

1) Assign each team a number of points from 1 to 14. Using each number only once.
2) Each time a team wins, the points are added to your 'Total Points'.
3) The winner will be the person with the highest point total after the Super Bowl.
4) $10.00 entry fee with 100% being paid out.
Multiple cash prizes will be awarded depending upon the number of entries.
6)Tie breakers will be decided by the highest points for the last winning team.
7) The standings will not show each person's team points until the start of the first playoff game. You will be able to view and edit your own. Team point averages will be displayed once six entries have been completed.
8) Note that the #1 seeds
teams have a bye the first week. Thus, their points can not be earned.
9) Would like to get everyone's entry fee by the second week of the playoffs. If you can not give me your entry fee directly or through another person I will accept mailed checks and electronic transfers through Paypal. Contact me for further information at

No changes for this season. 8/6/21

You must register first if you didn't enter any of the survivor pools. Go to the home page for more info.



Forgot Password?

While this entry form is the preferred method of joining this pool you may also email or phone me your entry. Entries can be sent up to the start of the first game (January 9th, 4:30pm Saturday), but can't guarantee it will be accepted.